Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association

Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association
Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for youth in care.
- REFPA is helping to provide sports equipment, music lessons, enabling children to attend camps, assisting reunified families with supplies for a seamless transition, High School Senior expenses, and much more.
Blue Bag Program supplies blue bags that accompany the children when they are first placed into care.
- The bags contain basic necessities for young children and a gift card for older youth.
Toy Closet is a closet for Caregivers.
- This gives Caregivers the ability to provide children in care gifts for Birthdays and Christmas.
Fundraisers help support the programs REFPA offer.
- Member's participation and volunteering is key to making these amazing and fun fundraisers/events happen! These include Weekly Bingo Games, The Bodega Bay Fishermen's Festival, The Human Race and many more.
Training/Conferences for REFPA Members.
- REFPA hosts training opportunities, offers childcare during trainings, and helps to fund several members attending state and out of
county trainings.
Events are part of bringing the community together.
- Community members, county employees, and foster youth together come together for different event put on by REFPA. We believe the more united we are, the more we can advocate, support, make a change for youth and families, and create a safe and strong community.
"To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
~Dr. Seuss