Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association

Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association
Blue Bag Project
Before the Blue Bag Project began in 1999, a child who entered a new emergency foster home often came with nothing more than the clothes he or she was wearing. A child who was moved from one foster home to another would bring along a few items, often in a plastic bag.
Your donations allow REFPA to provide each child who is entering foster care (ages 0-8 yrs.), with a new duffel bag. The bag contains new clothes (gender specific, size, and season appropriate), new toys, books, and a handmade quilt and becomes the child's own property.
We provide approximately 200 Blue Bags per year.
We are extremely grateful to Kiwanis Club of Oakmont for meeting the need for blue duffel bags to keep our Blue Bag program going. REFPA needs approximately 200 bags per year and Kiwanis Club of Oakmont has always said, “Yes”! Thank you for your kind, gracious and generous support!
"To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
~Dr. Seuss