Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association

Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association

"Our mission is to support the Sonoma County foster care community and the children they serve"
The Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association (REFPA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of foster parents, adoptive parents, community members, and Sonoma County social workers. We strengthen the foster parent community by:
- Assisting foster parents by offering resources, advocacy and emotional support.
- Assisting foster parents and their foster children by providing social and enrichment opportunities.
- Sponsoring fundraising projects to support our program
If you have interest in attending a meeting, please contact our Board President at
If you are a resource parent or a member of our community and would like to join our Board of Directors, please contact our president at the email above.
REFPA History
The Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association (REFPA) emerged from a small group of foster parents who were adamant about getting better services for the children they so lovingly fostered. The group was formed in 1963 when these foster parents sought the help of a local county licensing social worker who connected them with other foster parents in Sonoma County. This cohesion eventually became known as the Sonoma County Foster Parents Association (SCFPA) and met to discuss issues and concerns they were experiencing in their positions as foster parents. In time, SCFPA, expanded to include foster parents from surrounding counties.
In 1991 SCFPA changed their name to the Redwood Empire Foster Parent Association (REFPA) by a membership majority vote. This organization has been providing emotional, social, educational, and financial assistance to Sonoma County Foster Families. REFPA services include the Blue Bag Project and a scholarship fund that includes special needs for all foster children (including those who are aging out of the system). In addition, REFPA provides $250 gift cards to five Sonoma County birth families that have successfully reunited with their children. REFPA members that have foster children in their home are offered a respite reimbursement program.
Members of REFPA participate by mentoring and supporting other foster and adoptive parents, assisting with fundraising, meeting with social workers and serving on various county advisory boards. The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors recognizes the Month of May as “Foster Parent Month'' and the Department of Human Services acknowledges foster parents as professionals. They hold an annual Awards Picnic in gratitude for the work & dedication of Sonoma County foster parents. They recognize foster parents for their years of service and present special appreciation awards.
"To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
~Dr. Seuss